Create jobs from the mobile app - Jul 2024

Release Notes -  Jul 2024

You asked for it, and we’ve listened. Staff with permissions to do so, can now create new job from the Magnetize mobile app in literally 30 seconds. Plus, set a 5, 6 or 7 day work week for smarter, faster resource scheduling.

Scott, Director @Magnetize

In this release

  • Create a new job from the mobile app
  • Managers will be notified when staff create a job
  • Search all jobs in the mobile app
  • Staff can add other team members to a job
  • PLUS, set a 5,6 or 7 day work week in the org settings, for smarter job scheduling

Create a new job from the mobile app

Staff with permission to do so can now create a job in Magnetize any time, anywhere, in literally 30 seconds. After selecting the customer, they can add the job description, start/end dates, site address and contact information.

NOTE: To turn on permissions for staff to create jobs, back at your computer, Go to “Team” and toggle ON the staff job permissions setting for everyone who will need to create jobs from the mobile app. 

Managers will be notified when staff create a new job

When staff create a new job from the mobile app, their assigned manager in Magnetize will get an email notification alerting them to the new job. 

Also, back in the Magnetize calendar, new jobs created by staff will appear in a “New” state so you can easily see which ones the team have logged, and that you might want to check in on.

Search all jobs in the mobile app

As well as seeing all the jobs assigned to you on the home screen of the app, you can now search for any open job in the company, view it’s details and update it as you need.

Add other team members to a jobs from the mobile app.

You can also now add yourself or other team members to a job. So if you’ve been asked jump in on a job, you can add your notes/photos, time, consumables and equipment used without having to wait for someone back in the office to add you to the job first.

Set a 5, 6 or 7 day work week in the org settings, for smarter job scheduling

In the Organisation > Job settings, you’ll now see an option to set a 5, 6 or 7 day work week. Update this now for your organisation to save yourself even more time scheduling jobs on the Magnetize scheduling calendar.

It means that for longer jobs, the system will know to exclude non-workdays (e.g. Saturday and/or Sunday) from your team’s scheduling calendars by default - including when the job is rescheduled.  

Have a go, and let us know what you think.

Scott, Director at Magnetize

(+64) 210 244 7974

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